Friday, December 3, 2010


Google Android: What’s New?

 Finally, Google unveiled its next generation Android operating system, called Android 2.2. Actually, it is better known as Froyo. With the help of it Android smartphones

Nokia is a Leader and RIM Gains Its Position

The quarterly statistics was revealed by a market firm known as International Data Corp. It shows the situation of the worldwide mobile phone market. According to

Nexus One to Be Available in Stores

Finally, it was admitted by Google that the online-only availability of its handset known as the Nexus One was a real failure. As a matter of fact, the company planned not to bring the mobile device like it was last year.

One should mention that the Nexus One

Dell: Smartphones Will not Replace PCs

That was Michael Dell, Dell CEO, who said that mobile devices will not manage to kill the PC. It is still unknown whether one device will replace

Is Steve Jobs Headed for a New Age of Journalism?

The News Corp and Apple are currently working on a journalism based platform for the iPad. It’s known as “The Daily”, the first and the earliest iPad only news publication

The World as We Know It: Split Between Apple iOS, Symbian and Android

A few decades ago, the world was recognized for its cultural diversity and regional disparity. Now all that’s left of it is the first world, second world and the third world
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